Secure Up To $40,000
For Your Startup At
Ohio VC Fest ’24

Cyrannus, the presenting sponsor of Ohio VC Fest, is offering two innovative startups the chance to take home a combined $50K in funding to grow their companies.

Are you a founder ready to accelerate your startup’s growth?

As part of Ohio VC Fest ’24, Cyrannus presents an exclusive opportunity for two founders to secure a combined $50,000 in capital to help grow their startup. Cyrannus, the first AI-powered platform using global industry experts to evaluate and fund promising seed-stage startups at scale, will invest $40,000 in venture capital funding to the company with the strongest business plan and $10,000 in non-dilutive capital for the best elevator pitch.

Winners will be announced at Ohio VC Fest on September 18th.
This funding opportunity is only available to founders who register for Ohio VC Fest ’24 and follow the steps below.

Four Steps to Apply:

Register for Ohio VC Fest
If you haven’t already, register using the “Founder” ticketing type at

Download the Cyrannus App
Access the Cyrannus platform by downloading the app on Apple iOS.

Submit Your Elevator Pitch Upload your pitch video using the instructions on the Cyrannus app by Sept. 9th.

Advance to Due Diligence
Selected startups will proceed to a thorough evaluation by industry experts.

Take advantage of this unique chance to fund your venture! Register for Ohio VC Fest today.

Terms and Conditions
This opportunity is exclusively available to attendees registered for Ohio VC Fest 2024 using the ‘Founder’ ticket type. Participants must register by August 31, 2024, and submit their elevator pitch video on the Cyrannus app by September 9, 2024. Cyrannus reserves the right to evaluate and score all submissions, and the winners will be announced live at Ohio VC Fest on September 18, 2024. All decisions regarding the winners are final.